Ferrari Gallery is excited to announce that Artist/Museum Director Cecil Touchon will lead a riveting art discussion on VISUAL POETRY & COLOR with special guest, Art Historian & Collections Specialist Cheryl Mitchell, on Thursday, August 15th from 6pm to 8:00 pm.
Visual Poetry and Color
Visuality has always been a part of the world of poetry and poetic meaning has always been a part of visual art. This exhibition explores the zone between these two fields. Working on wooden panels instead of sheets of paper this exhibition encourages the artistic approach to poetics and many works incorporate the use of collage - a favored medium of the Museum's Archives.
This thematic exhibition was the brain child of New York artist Willie Marlow and first held in Troy, New York in late 2023 at The Arts Center of the Capital Region. The works contributed for the show were intended to become a part of the Ontological Museum Archives with the intention of ongoing future exhibitions.
For this exhibition at Ferrari Gallery in Dallas, we have invited additional artists to contribute works for the show. The contributing poet/artists (over 50 from across the US and Europe) are all well established and respected leaders and members of a variety of intertwining, international creative enclaves.
Collage Show is on view Saturday, July 27th through August 31st. All proceeds from events support the ongoing exhibition tour for the museum.
Schedule of Event:
6:00 pm: Check In, Libations, Meet Artist Cecil Touchon and Art Historian Cheryl Mitchell, View The Visual Poetry & Color International Collection and Tour The Gallery
6:30 pm Lecture: Open Sit-Down Seating With Cecil Touchon and Cheryl Mitchel
Purchase Tickets Here. Reservations required.
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Cecil Touchon - Cecil Touchon was born in Austin, Texas. His artistic inspiration was ignited early and explored throughout his childhood and into his young adulthood. He received his BFA from the University of Texas at Arlington. Throughout his career, which spans over 30 years, Touchon has been collected worldwide and figures prominently in the Massurrealism movement. Touchon is the founder and director of the International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction and co-founder of the International Post-Dogmatist Group. He is also a member of the Massurrealist Society and founder of the La Sociedad Massurrealista de Mexico. He has been featured in dozens of exhibition catalogues, magazine articles, and scholarly publications.
Cheryl Mitchell - Associate Professor in Practice and Collections Specialist (CSPC) Cheryl Mitchell of the Art & Art History Department began her love of the arts here at UT Arlington, receiving a B. A. in Art History/Classics in 2007, then going on to receive her M.Litt. in History of Art and Art-World Practice through Christie’s Education of London via accreditation through the University of Glasgow in 2010. Mitchell works heavily with various art collections of all media and styles within the University of Texas at Arlington Fine Art Collections (UTAFACs) holdings. In doing so, she has also created the UTA Database & Inventory Project, in which she sees to the care and stewardship of artworks and artifacts found within and donated to the university’s holdings.